Work with me 1-1

Your bespoke plan designed for mums ready to build strength, shed fat, and feel like the ultimate badass. With sustainable nutrition, flexible workouts, and no-nonsense advice, you’ll rebuild consistency, put yourself first, and stop settling for anything less than you deserve

My 3- or 6-month personalised nutrition and fitness programmes are for mums managing busy "mum life" who want to prioritise feeling like a strong confident badass again, unapologetically.

No unrealistic diets or influencer-style routines - just sustainable strategies to drop fat , & workouts that fit around your life.

Fall in love with your body, postpartum 💘

Did you feel like, before you had your baby you were in control of your life across the board, as well as feeling confident with the body you worked hard to build?

Maybe you were killing it in your dream job, fitting in regular gym sessions and prioritising margaritas and a buzzing social life? 

I bet you felt like a BOSS.

But, life was turned upside down when your baby arrived…

Although your life has never been better with your little one (yes of course, we love them), you find yourself getting off track.. as much as you promised yourself you would make time for the gym, healthy eating and everything in between…

Your priorities shifted to everyone OTHER than yourself and even though you don’t feel ‘overweight’ you DO feel the heaviest you have ever been.

I totally get it, and understand that mum guilt feels like impossible to get away from. The guilt about putting yourself first keeps you stuck in a body you don’t want to catch glimpses of in the mirror…

Being a mum and juggling 101 things plus a body that doesn't feel like YOURS is hard. No matter what the ‘just love your body brigade’ says.

You know you are ready to move out of your ‘frumpy’ mum era, but let's be real:

❌You have always exercised and been active, but your old routines just DON’T work with your new schedule. Your home gym is gathering dust, The Nuffield membership is still on pause and the YouTube workouts aren’t cutting it anymore. You don’t really feel like you know WHAT you need to prioritise to see the changes you want in your body

❌You are TIRED ALL THE TIME. Between broken sleep, early wake ups, everlasting bedtimes, you don’t know when you will ever feel energised again

❌You know your clothes still feel tighter than they ever did, even though you told yourself that when the extra kg’s didn’t fall off after breastfeeding, you would definitely do something drastic when you went back to work…. But you still feel half a stone heavier than you really want to be.

❌You are feeling daunted about being out of the game for so long, or having to stick to a strict diet again. And now starting and sticking with a routine feels impossible long term.

Sound familiar?

This is where I come in..

After working solely with mums over the last 4 years, in all stages of their post-partum journeys,  here is what is holding MOST of the women I work with back;

UNREALISTIC TRAINING SCHEDULES. Like clinging to pre-baby training routines or thinking weight loss requires intense HIIT, cardio, or bootcamps.

UNSUSTAINABLE DIETS . Following unsustainable diets that cause burnout and weight regain instead of focusing on the right foods for fat loss.

LACK OF DIRECTION. Most mums feel they still need to take full responsibility for fitness accountability, leading to demotivation and guilt when results aren’t as expected.

You can have a body you love and feel proud of POST- baby. It is possible to ditch the guilt, put yourself first and achieve the motivation and consistency you need to lose weight, feel strong and stop settling for less.

Client transformations

Now imagine 💭

Now imagine 💭

Now imagine 💭 Now imagine 💭

Losing weight week by week, without feeling deprived, and fitting into your old jeans again ✅

Finding an exercise routine that works with your new lifestyle, not against it✅

Having full accountability, feeling supported and motivated with zero guilt ✅

Getting stronger and losing fat WITHOUT hour long intense gym sessions,  working smarter, not harder, for quicker results. ✅

What makes my programmes different than others targeted at mums?

I don't believe that we need to sugar coat fat loss for mums. My programme is a no BS unfiltered approach to training and nutrition. It's not about being all or nothing- but you DO need to understand that change and compromise WILL be part of seeing long lasting results, if that’s losing weight or getting really fucking strong again.

I developed my JFDI (just fucking do it) method to empower you to stay in control day after day, feel like you are winning, and stay on track even in those days or weeks where mum-life seems all consuming.


3 months of 1-1 coaching.

Book your personal 90 day body masterplan today.


plans & pricing

Payment plan

Pay in instalments over 4 months



6 months of 1-1 coaching.

Book your personal 90 day body masterplan today.


Payment plan

Pay in instalments over 8 months


Hear the results my past clients achieved…

…and that are totally possible for you too, with the right support.


  • No! My 1-1 programmes will work entirely around your current set up. If the most flexible option for you is to train at home with minimal equipment, we will work together to create a tailored exercise programme that fits easily into your lifestyle AND makes sure you achieve your goals.

  • In short, no. I personally don’t believe that any kind of prescriptive diet is the right approach for sustainable fat loss. I work closely with my clients to help them maximise their current diet, so they are able to incorporate the changes long term.

  • I have worked with many many women at early stages of recovery post birth (C section & Vaginal births) and YES exercise is safe and effectively even in the early weeks after baby.

Meet your PT, Grace

As a certified Fat Loss and Pre/Post Natal Specialist Personal Trainer, I understand the unique challenges that motherhood brings. My mission is to help mums regain their confidence and achieve the bodies they desire post-baby through a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to fat loss and coaching.

Before becoming a coach, I spent years as a fashion buyer—so I know all too well the pressure to “look the part.” But it wasn’t until I had my first child in 2021 (mid-COVID chaos) that I truly saw the gaps in fitness advice for mums. Everything felt too soft, too vague, and honestly… unhelpful. It made me passionate about showing women that their bodies aren’t broken. I personally got into the best shape of my life AFTER having a baby—because I stopped doing all the wrong things.

My approach is no fluff and designed to fit your busy life while giving you the accountability, strategy, and support to finally feel strong, confident, and in control.

Get in Touch…

Find me here…and lets chat

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